We are trialling some new lines and would like to put out an expression of interest on the following:
Philodendron Silver Sword @ $2.36 each
Asplenium nidus crispum @ $2.57 each
Alocasia Black Velvet @ $4.95 each
Alocasia Green Velvet @ $3.50 each
Alocasia Green Shield @ $3.50 each
Alocasia Silver Dragon @ $3.50 each
Alocasia Stingray @ $3.50 each
Alocasia Ebony @ $3.50 each
Monstera adansonii @ $3.25 each
Monstera deliciosa @ $2.36 each
Nepenthes ampullaria @ $3.50 each
Philodendron Imbe @ $2.75 each
Ramusatia vivipara @ $2.50 each
Rhaphidophora tetrasperma (Monstera minima) @ $3.25 each
Sarracenia purpurea @ $3.50 each
Schismatoglottis wallichii @ $3.50 each

All prices ex GST

We will have stocks of these available towards the end of the year. Follow us on instagram to see up to date pics of our stock. Sign up for our stock list to see what we are currently growing.
You can place an order by emailing [email protected]
Wholesale orders only.