Radermachera Everlasting Beauty

Radermachera Everlasting Beauty is a stunning shrub with glossy green leaves and unusual trumpet-like flowers. Strong upright growth allows it to be a perfect hedging plant that flowers during the warmer months and can flower multiple times.

Radermachera Everlasting Beauty trumpet-like flowers
Radermachera Everlasting Beauty

Radermachera is not a high maintenance plant and grows in a diverse range of environmental conditions. Once established, it has a low water requirement and can be used as a specimen tree in gardens and streetscapes. This plant is sold in a 42mm tube and comes with a label. 108 in a tray. Wholesale orders only.

Radermachera Everlasting Beauty
Hardy shrub ideal for borders and hedging

One Reply to “Radermachera Everlasting Beauty”

  1. What an amazing hardy plant! I have planted these in a number of gardens and landscapes on the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane. They have performed well beyond my expectations, especially during this very dry period at the moment. They are still glossy green and flowering!! I highly recommend this plant for gardens, landscapes and hedges.

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